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On The Nightstand

I will add this info when I get at your code!
testing 2
Friday, December 16, 2005
When you run out of things to console your losing team with, you often point to possible future wins, as though they are in the visible sight distance, like the Detroit Lions anxiously awaiting the day when they will win a Superbowl. You know, the harder you try, the less likely it is to happen, especially when you stop speaking in metaphors and start injecting wishful thinking with disturbingly distasteful details into your holiday "Thank You" speeches.

John Kerry lost, but the way he sees it, he could still win for losing. Like the French. When the victory is all but completely lost, one must look on the bright side, smell the roses, think positively, and promise the Sun, for tomorrow, yes tomorrow, is another day.

MA. Sen. John Kerry said last night that if Dems retake the House, there's a "solid case" to bring "articles of impeachment" against President Bush for allegedly misleading the country about pre-war intelligence, according to several Dems who attended.

Kerry was speaking at a holiday party for alumni of his WH '04 bid.
About 100 campaign vets gathered at Finn McCool's bar in D.C. to hear him. In a short speech, Kerry praised Dems who were working on Senate and House campaigns, and then said, according to one listener: "If we take back the House, there's a solid case to bring articles of impeachment against this president." Another listener heard a slight variation: "If we win back the House, I think we have a pretty solid case to bring articles of impeachment against this President." Kerry then quickly added, according to several in the audience, "Don't tell anyone I said that.

Oh, for Pete's sake quit acting like your loserly supporters and take down that campaign banner already. If you brought articles of impeachment (which I assume is code for saying, if I can't have the Presidency, nobody better be able to), all you'd get for Christmas is Dick Cheney, and frankly, I've met Mr. Cheney. He can creep up on you like nobody's business. One minute hes there and then the next? He's got your lunch money and you don't even know its missing.

The wishful thinking, though, is almost palatable. So close he came. Soooo close. What does it feel like to come within spitting distance (or rather, within hairspray smell) of the most powerful office on the planet, and watch it go to a guy that your campaign managers routinely compare to a monkey (though he did beat you in the GPA department)? It must feel an awful like getting shot in the behind with rice: kind of humiliating, yet liberating, but where there it meant John Kerry could get his third and final Band-Aid, here it means he can stand on the sidelines and criticise the President for his performance in a war Kerry would have taken the first road out of.

Just to clarify, JK, the 2008 Democratic nomination is in the bag, and not for you.

And, oh, I think this means we've won.

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